Friday, December 6, 2013

 Angular.js Demos, Examples, and Resources:

Angular.js, a powerful JavaScript framework developed by Google and designed for building web-apps, has seen a lot of adoption in the last few years. My last Google Maps demo made me think a lot about data binding and Angular.JS, and I have actually created a pen with Google Maps powered by a pre-built Angular.js directive. But, I want to take a step back and dedicate a post to various Angular.JS resources, from guides and tutorials to demos and examples to actual projects and directives.

The homepage of AngularJS is a great way to start learning about the framework, with simple examples that you can see in action and also watch YouTube videos that show how the code is put together. From there you have a tutorial, guide, and a great API reference. But there are many other websites and blogs dedicated to learning Angular.JS and here is a list of some good training resources:

Things I Wish I Were Told About Angular.js
Lessons Learned from a Large AngularJS Project
AngularJS Tutorial for creating a full-stack application
Getting started with AngularJS
Learn Angular.js with 5 Examples
Why Does Angular.js Rock?
3 Reasons to Choose Angular.JS
5 Awesome Angular Features
Use AngularJS to Power Your Web Application
More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp
AngularJS Learning
AngularJS Intro And Hello World Example
Building Chrome Apps with Angular.js
AngularJS for jQuery Developers
AngularJS directives and JavaScript
Fun with AngularJS
Building a Spreadsheet with Angular.js
Using angularjs with a back-end API
Building huge apps with AngularJS
Google Maps Components with AngularJS
AngularJS and Google Maps
Mapping AngularJS Routes Onto URL Parameters
Using Angular.js with D3.js
Animating with AngularJS
PhoneGap and AngularJS
Quick Start Guide to PhoneGap and AngularJS
Building PhoneGap Apps with AngularJS
ArcGIS JavaScript API with Angular JS
Building Offline Applications With AngularJS and PouchDB
Extending HTML with AngularJS Directives
What about Angular.JS demos and examples? There are many interesting Angular.JS posts on reddit, ton of pens at CodePen, and a huge selection of Angular fiddles on JSfiddle. I also like this list of useful fiddles and gists collected from AngularJS forum discussions. Here are some hand picked demos and examples:
Invoicing app made with Angular JS
AngularJS and Pagination
jQuery Mobile and AngularJS
File Upload with Angular.js
Angular.JS and Flot
Angular.JS Color Selector
Angular.JS Controller and Directive Example
Load JSON with Angular.JS
AngularJS with Flickr API
Passing object to directive in AngularJS
AngularJS Shopping Cart Example
AngularJS Ball Animation
AngularJS table filtering
Using Angular.js $routeProvider
Simple Angular.js table sorting
Using $http with Angular.js
Scope with Angular.js
Angular.js ToDo List
Basic App with Angular.js
Angular.js Color Picker Demo
Simple AngularJs Data Binding Example
Android Address Book replica with AngularJs
Twitter API and Angular.js
HighCharts and Angular.js
Password validation with Angular.js
Todo App with Angular.js
Bar Chart Example with Angular.js and D3.js
Graphs and Charts with d3.js and Angular Directives
Spotify with Angular.js
Angular.js Routing example
Math Addition Example with Angular
Simple People App with Angular
Angular.js Slider with ng-switch
Filtering with Angular.js
Filter list with Angular.js
Simple Toggle Animation with AngularJS
Gallery with Angular.js
Tabs with Angular.JS
Google Map Directive for Angular.JS
Location Search with Angular JS and Google
Angular.js with HTML5 GeoLocation
AngularJS Grid with server side paging, sorting & filtering
Angular JS Example Apps
Sorting and filtering data with AngularJS
Company Guide App with AngularJS
AngularJS Books Demo App
What about interesting projects and modules for Angular.js? The Angular Modules directory, built with Angular.js page, and GitHub search for Angular.JS has a ton of useful links. Here are some hand picked Angular.js resources:
AngularUI – companion suites for AngularJS
MacGyver – AngularJS module comprised of directives, filters and utilities for quickly developing your UI
AngularGM – set of directives for embedding Google Maps in your app using the Google Maps Javascript API.
Restangular – AngularJS service that simplifies common GET, DELETE, and UPDATE requests, a perfect fit for any WebApp that consumes data from a RESTful API.
AngularJS Touch Carousel – AngularJS carousel implementation optimized for mobile devices.
highcharts-ng – AngularJS directive for Highcharts.
ngInfiniteScroll – infinite scrolling directive for AngularJS apps.
ng-table – Angular Table directive
angular-dragdrop – Drag and Drop for AngularJS
ngStorage – module that makes Web Storage working in the Angular Way.
angular-mobile-nav – angular navigation service for mobile applications
Angulartics – Web analytics for AngularJS applications
angles – angular.js wrapper for the Chart.js library.
angular-moment – Angular.JS directive for Moment.JS.
angularfire – the easiest way to wire up a backend for your Angular app.
All above data is copied from our god google..!

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